Publications by Radhika Subramanian
2025 Publications
Non-canonical CDK6 activity promotes cilia disassembly by suppressing axoneme polyglutamylation
Kai He, Xiaobo Sun, Chuan Chen, San Luc, Jielu Hao Robichaud, Yingyi Zhang,Yan Huang, Biyun Ji, Pei-I Ku, Radhika Subramanian*, Kun Ling, Jinghua Hu
2024 Publications
Collaborative role of two distinct cilium-specific cytoskeletal systems in driving Hedgehog-responsive transcription factor trafficking
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Pei-I Ku*, Jamuna S Sreeja*, Abhishek Chadha, David S Williams, Martin F Engelke, Radhika Subramanian*
GRK2 kinases in the primary cilium initiate SMOOTHENED-PKA signaling in the Hedgehog cascade
Madison F. Walker*, Jingyi Zhang*, William Steiner*, Pei-I Ku*, Ju-Fen Zhu,Zachary, Michaelson, Yu-Chen, Yen, Annabel Lee, Alyssa B. Long, Mattie J. Casey, Abhishek Poddar, Isaac B. Nelson, Corvin D. Arveseth, Falko Nagel, Ryan Clough, Sarah LaPotin, Kristen M. Kwan, Stefan Schulz, Rodney A. Stewart, John J. G. Tesmer, Tamara Caspary, Radhika Subramanian*, Xuecai Ge*, Benjamin R. Myers*
Modularity of PRC1 Composition and Chromatin Interaction define Condensate Properties
Stefan Niekamp, Sharon K. Marr, Theresa A. Oei, Radhika Subramanian*, Robert E. Kingston*
Architecture and flexibility of native kinetochores revealed by structural studies utilizing a thermophilic yeast
View ORCID Profile Daniel J. Barrero, Sithara S. Wijeratne, Xiaowei Zhao, Grace F. Cunningham, Rui Yan, Christian R. Nelson, Yasuhiro Arimura, Hironori Funabiki, Charles L. Asbury, Zhiheng Yu, Radhika Subramanian, View ORCID Profile Sue Biggins
Cytoskeleton crosstalk: Casting stable actin bundles with dynamic microtubule molds
Farah Haque and Radhika Subramanian* Current Biology Volume 34, Issue 2, 22 January 2024, Pages R72-R74;
2023 Publications
Torques within and outside the human spindle balance twist at anaphase
Lila Neahring, Yifei He, Nathan H. Cho, Gaoxiang Liu, Jonathan Fernandes, Caleb J. Rux, Konstantinos Nakos, Radhika Subramanian, Srigokul Upadhyayula, Ahmet Yildiz, Sophie Dumont
bioRxiv 2023.12.10.570990; doi:
Modularity of PRC1 Composition and Chromatin Interaction define Condensate Properties
Stefan Niekamp, Sharon K. Marr, Theresa A. Oei, Radhika Subramanian*, Robert E. Kingston*
bioRxiv 2023.10.26.564217; doi:
Real-time visualization of microtubule and protofilament-scale dynamics in multi-microtubule arrays by atomic force microscopy
Wijeratne, S. S*., & Subramanian, R*. (2023). Current Protocols, 3, e779.; *co-corresponding authors
Spatially controlled microtubule nucleation and organization from crosslinker MAP65 condensates
Sahu S, Chauhan P, Lumen E, Moody K, Peddireddy K, Mani N, Subramanian R, Robertson-Anderson R, Wolfe AJ, Ross JL. doi:
A Ciliary SMOOTHENED-GRK2-PKA Signaling Pathway Initiates Hedgehog Signal Transduction
Madison F Walker, Jingyi Zhang, William Steiner, Pei-I Ku, Ju-Fen Zhu, Zachary Michaelson, Yu-Chen Yen, Alyssa B. Long, Mattie J. Casey, Abhishek Poddar, Isaac B. Nelson, Corvin D. Arveseth, Falko Nagel, Ryan Clough, Sarah LaPotin, Kristen M. Kwan, Stefan Schulz, Rodney A. Stewart, John J. G. Tesmer, Tamara Caspary, Radhika Subramanian*, Xuecai Ge*, Benjamin R. Myers*.
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doi: *co-corresponding authors
2022 Publications
Active microphase separation in mixtures of microtubules and tip-accumulating molecular motors
Lemma B, Mitchell NP, Subramanian R, Needleman DJ, Dogic Z. (2022) Physical Review X 12, 031006.
Motor guidance by long-range communication through the microtubule highway
Wijeratne SS, Fiorenza SA, Subramanian R*, Betterton MD*. (2022) *co-corresponding/co-senior author. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2022 July 7;119 (28) e2120193119.
Cytoskeletal regulation of a transcription factor by DNA mimicry via coiled-coil interactions
Haque F, Freniere C, Ye Q, Mani N, Wilson-Kubalek LM, Ku Pi-I, Milligan RA, Subramanian, R. (2022) Nature Cell Biology.
(News and Views: Kumar, D., Reiter, J.F. A kinesin mimics DNA. Nat Cell Biol (2022)
Atomic Force Microscopy reveals distinct protofilament-scale structural dynamics in depolymerizing microtubule arrays
Wijeratne SS, Marchan MF, Tresback JS, Subramanian R. (2022) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2022 Feb 1;119(5):e2115708119.
Engineering stability, longevity, and miscibility of microtubule-based active fluids
Chandrakar P, Berezney J, Lemma B, Hishamunda B, Berry A, Wu K-T, Subramanian R, Chung J, Needleman DJ, Gelles J, Dogic, Z. (2022) Soft Matter. doi: 10.1039/D1SM01289D.
Simultaneous Visualization of the Dynamics of Crosslinked and Single Microtubules In Vitro by TIRF Microscopy
Mani N, Marchan M F, Subramanian R. (2022) J. Vis. Exp. (180), e63377,
2021 Publications
Cytoskeletal regulation of a transcription factor by DNA mimicry
Farah Haque, Christian Freniere, Qiong Ye, Nandini Mani, Elizabeth M. Wilson-Kubalek, Pei-I Ku, Ronald A. Milligan, Radhika Subramanian. bioRxiv, 2021 October 01.
The tail wags the tubulin
Micron-scale geometrical features of microtubules as regulators of microtubule organization
Mani N, Wijeratne S and Subramanian R (2021). eLife, Jun 11; 10:e63880.
doi: 10.7554/eLife.63880.
Differential Regulation of Single Microtubules and Cross-linked Bundles by a Minimal Three-Protein Module
Mani N, Jiang S, Neary AE, Wijeratne S and Subramanian R. (2021) Nature Chemical Biology.
2020 Publications
Motor guidance by long-range communication through the microtubule highway
Sithara S. Wijeratne, Shane A. Fiorenza, Radhika Subramanian, Meredith D. Betterton
bioRxiv, 2020 December 23
Distinct Protofilament-scale Dynamics Define the Differential Remodeling of Microtubule Arrays
S. S. Wijeratne, M. Marchan, J. S. Tresback, R. Subramanian
bioRxiv, 2020 December 22
Differential Regulation of Single Microtubules and Cross-linked Bundles by a Minimal Three-Protein Module
Mani N, Jiang S, Subramanian R.
bioRxiv, 2020 March 5
2019 Publications
Mitotic spindle: From living and synthetic systems to theory
Simunic J, Subramanian R.
Journal of Cell Science. 2019 Sep 2;132(17). Meeting report. (link:
Interplay between the Kinesin and Tubulin Mechanochemical Cycles Underlies Microtubule Tip Tracking by the Non-motile Ciliary
Jiang S, Mani N, Wilson-Kubalek EM, Ku PI, Milligan RA, Subramanian R.
Kinesin Kif7. Dev. Cell 2019 Jun 03; 49(5):711-730.e8
2018 Publications
Composition, Structure, and Function of the Eukaryotic Flagellum Distal Tip
Croft J, Zabeo D, Subramanian R and Hoog J.
2018 Essays in Biochemistry. 2018 Nov 20 pii: EBC20180032
Microtubule-based active fluids with improved lifetime, temporal stability and miscibility with passive soft materials
Chandrakar P, Berezney J, Lemma B, Hishamunda B, Berry A, Wu K, Subramanian R, Chung J, Needleman D, Gelles J and Dogic Z.
arXiv:1811.05026v1 [cond-mat.soft]
2018 November 12
Geometry of antiparallel microtubule bundles regulates relative sliding and stalling by PRC1 and Kif4A
Wijeratne S, Subramanian R.
Elife 2018 10 24; 7
2015 Publications
Niche-Based Screening in Multiple Myeloma Identifies a Kinesin-5 Inhibitor with Improved Selectivity over Hematopoietic Progenitors
Chattopadhyay S, Stewart AL, Mukherjee S, Huang C, Hartwell KA, Miller PG, Subramanian R, Carmody LC, Yusuf RZ, Sykes DB, Paulk J, Vetere A, Vallet S, Santo L, Cirstea DD, Hideshima T, Majireck MM, Hussain MM, Singh S, Quiroz R, Iaconelli J, Karmacharya R, Tolliday NJ, Clemons PA, Moore MAS, Stern AM, Shamji AF, Ebert BL, Golub TR, Raje NS, Scadden DT, Schreiber SL.
Cell Rep 2015 Feb 10; 10(5):755-770
2014 Publications
The kinesin-4 protein Kif7 regulates mammalian Hedgehog signalling by organizing the cilium tip compartment
He M, Subramanian R, Bangs F, Omelchenko T, Liem KF, Kapoor TM, Anderson KV.
Nat. Cell Biol. 2014 Jul; 16(7):663-72
2013 Publications
Slipping past the spindle assembly checkpoint
Subramanian R, Kapoor TM.
Nat. Cell Biol. 2013 Nov; 15(11):1261-3
Marking and measuring single microtubules by PRC1 and kinesin-4
Subramanian R, Ti SC, Tan L, Darst SA, Kapoor TM.
Cell 2013 Jul 18; 154(2):377-90
2012 Publications
Building complexity: insights into self-organized assembly of microtubule-based architectures
Subramanian R, Kapoor TM.
Dev. Cell 2012 Nov 13; 23(5):874-85
2010 Publications
Insights into antiparallel microtubule crosslinking by PRC1, a conserved nonmotor microtubule binding protein
Subramanian R, Wilson-Kubalek EM, Arthur CP, Bick MJ, Campbell EA, Darst SA, Milligan RA, Kapoor TM.
Cell 2010 Aug 6; 142(3):433-43
2009 Publications
Meiotic spindle self-organization: one plus one equals only one
Subramanian R, Kapoor T.
Curr. Biol. 2009 Apr 14; 19(7):R290-2
2007 Publications
Two distinct modes of processive kinesin movement in mixtures of ATP and AMP-PNP
Subramanian R, Gelles J.
J. Gen. Physiol. 2007 Nov; 130(5):445-55