Subramanian Lab News

2024 News

Check out our new preprint on visualizarion of GLI2 transport at single particle resolution in the primary cilium!

Congrats to Pei-I and Sree for getting this challenging project to the finish line!!

Great to see our collaborative work with the labs of Ben Myers, Susan Ge and others online.

It was exciting to visualize GRK2 in the cilium!
Congrats to Pei-I and Abhishek from our lab and to all the authors who worked on the project!

It’s wonderful to have some new and some returning summer students in the lab!

Welcome to the lab Beyonce, Sophia, Sylvie, Rebecca and Kristine!

Collaboartive papers with Sophie Dumont and Sue Biggins labs are now online.

We are thrilled that Stefan Niekamp was awarded a K99 fellowship!

Congratulations Stefan!

It’s been a season of conferences!!

It has been stimulating to see old friends and colleagues, meet new people and share ongoing work with the scientific community. Many thanks to the organizers for putting these fantastic meetings together.
Radhika and Peii presented at the FASEB Biology of Cilia and Flagella conference, Radhika and Stefan presented at the Single Molecule GRC, and Radhika, Anju, Leila and Kostas all presented at the Cytoskeletal motors GRC.

Thanks to our department for organizing a fun ice cream social!

It was wonderful to see prior and current ACS ResaecHERs students and mentors.

Please come and visit us often!

The final presentations by the summer students were all outstanding!

We will miss you! Stay in touch.

Pei-I Ku from the lab starts a new job at Syncell Inc.

Congratulations Peii! We are so excited for you.
All the best. We will miss you very much! Come back and visit us often!

Thrilled to see Stefan's paper on deciphering how PRC1 composition modulates chromatin-PRC1 condensate properties in print.

Congrats to all the co-authors – Stefan, Sharon and Theresa. It was wonderful to collaborate with our neighbors, the Kingston lab, at MGH

Peii presented her work at the biophysical society meeting in Philly!

It was great fun to image kinetochores using AFM in a collaboration with Sue Biggins’s lab...

…and contribute to Daniel’s structural studies on native kinetochores from Kluyveromyces marxianus.

We are thrilled that Kostas Nakos from our lab received the MGH ECOR Fund for Medical Discovery (FMD) Fundamental Research Fellowship Award.

Congratulations Kostas!

CKAP5 mediated actin-microtubule crosstalk

It was a pleasure to co-write a Dispatch with Farah Haque highlighting work from Zdenek Lansky, Marcus Braun and Laura Lowery’s groups on CKAP5 mediated actin-microtubule crosstalk:
Here is the link to the dispatch:

2023 News

We wish Sitara all the best for the next steps.

We miss you very very much! The AFM misses you very much too…

It was great fun to attend ASCB in Boston.

Kostas, Sree, Stefan and Farah presented new work, and we got a lot of good feedback!

We had a meet-up of ACS ResearcHERS student mentees.

Best wishes to Andri and Beyonce as they head to college, and Sophia and Akshara as they return to college. It’s been a pleasure to get to know you all over the past few years.

Andri and Akshara document their “favorite” spots in the lab!!

Congrats to all the summer interns on outstanding final presentations.

It was wonderful to have you in the lab. We miss you!

Welcome to the lab Natalia!

Thrilled to have you as part of the team!

Thrilled to share new publications from the lab!

Congratulations to Sitara on publishing a detailed protocol for real-time AFM imaging of microtubule arrays with protofilament resolution ( It was a pleasure to collaborate with Ben Myers, Xuecai Ge, Jenny Ross and other contributors on two different projects (;
Congratulations to all the authors!

We are delighted to welcome our high school and undergrad interns!

Meet Rebecca Sanon, Akshara Shankar, Sophia Jorgensen, Sylvie Staco and Krish Munniappan!

Congratulations to Farah on receiving the The Fund for Medical Discovery Research fellowship grant through ECOR!

So proud of Andri Kadaifciu! (2022 high school summer intern)

Andri was recently awarded by the American Cancer Society with the 2023 Sandra C. Labaree Volunteer Values Award for her contributions as a STEM youth leader. All the best as you head to college this fall!

Welcome to the lab Grace!

We wish Lauryn all the best as she moves to her next position!

Congratulations and all the best!

Stefan presented his work at the 2023 Gordon Research Conference on Chromosome Dynamics.

It’s been great fun to watch this project evolve!

We wish Nandini all the very best as she moves to her next position. We miss you (and your puns) very much!

We had so much at the Alice-in-Wonderland-esque farewell party!!

Farah is selected for the MGH ECOR Fund for Medical Discovery (FMD) Fundamental Research Fellowship Award.


Abhishek Poddar joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow.


2022 News

We had a great time visiting Honey Pot Orchards for an apple picking outing!

Wishing you all the best! We miss you!

It was fantastic to have Akshara and Andri in the lab for their summer internships.

Wishing you all the best! We miss you!

Surprise celebrations to celebrate a grant!!

Thank you lab, for the surprise and all the hard work!

Excited to see Bez’s work online!

Farah presents her work at the 2022 Cytoskeleton Motors GRC.

Farah Haque presents her work at the University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division Rising Star Symposium.

Congratulations Farah!

Thank you Dhivya Kumar and Jeremy Reiter (UCSF) for this great News & Views on our recent paper!

Farah, Sree and Peii represent the lab at the FASEB - The Biology of Cilia and Flagella Conference...

…and Farah wins the second prize for her talk! Congratulations!

We wish Frankie the very best as she heads to grad school. We will miss you!

Just some lab fun!

Another positive paper news this week!

We are excited that our work on reconstituting the interaction between Hedgehog pathway proteins, Gli and Kif7, is accepted for publication.
Congrats to Farah, Christian, Qiong, Nandini and Peii! Thanks to our wonderful collaborators Ron Milligan and Liz Kubalek.

Our work on long distance communication between microtubule-bound motors is accepted for publication.

Congrats to Sitara, Shane and Alex! It was so much fun to receive the positive news during a zoom meeting with our collaborators Shane and Meredith at the University of Colorado at Boulder!

Stefan gives a great talk at the Chromatin Structure and Function Gordon conference!

First lab dinner of summer 2022 to celebrate Irene’s acceptance to graduate school.

Looking forward to many more!

Congratulations to Irene and Frankie on admissions to grad programs!

We wish you all the best!

Farah presents her work at the HMS Cell Biology trainee seminar series. An excellent talk as always!

Akshara Shankar, currently an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley, joins us for the summer.

Welcome Akshara!

Radhika received the Motility & Cytoskeleton subgroup Early Career Award at the 2022 Biophysical Society Meeting.

A big thanks to the committee and the subgroup for this honor and the recognition of our research.
I am incredibly grateful for the support of my PhD and postdoc advisors, collaborators, mentors, advocates and friends for their support. A huge thanks to the amazing group of people who are past/current members of the lab – it is a joy to be a part of this team.

Sitara presented a poster on our collaborative work with Shane Fiorenza and Meredith Betterton...

…from the University of Colorado Boulder, on long-distance communication between microtubule associated motors (check out the preprint on Biorxiv!). Thanks to everyone who stopped by for your interest, the stimulating discussions and feedback.

Radhika and Sitara attended the Biophysical Society Meeting.

It was wonderful to be back at an in-person scientific conference, delightful to see old friends and colleagues and meet new ones, and celebrate Sitara’s birthday in San Francisco!

It was great fun to work with the JoVE team on filming the protocol...

(and look how beautiful and clean our microscope room looked on the day of filming!)

2021 News

Nandini and Frankie wrote an extremely detailed protocol paper on reconstituting the dynamics of crosslinked and non-crosslinked microtubules...

…(detailing the TIRF assay in Mani et al, 2021, Nature Chem Bio
Thrilled to have this accepted just before the new year! Congrats Nandini and Frankie.

Sitara’s work on AFM imaging of depolymerizing microtubule arrays is accepted for publication!

Congratulations to Sitara, Frankie and Jason!

Welcome to the lab, Anju!!

At the 2021 ASCB meeting, Farah and Radhika co-chaired a subgroup session, “Not Just a Cellular Railroad: Microtubules as Cargoes and Signaling Centers”, together with Le Ma (Jefferson) and Aga Kendrick (UCSD)!

We had a load of fun organizing this and Farah and Aga gave beautiful talks.

Radhika presented the lab’s work at a special subgroup session celebrating the 50th anniversary of ASCB’s Women In Cell Biology program.

It was an honor and a great pleasure to participate in this subgroup session and present the work of four “wonder women” in my lab. A huge thanks to the organizers.

Nandini is selected as an ISFS Associate for the Intersections Science Fellows Symposium, November 2021.

Congratulations Nandini!

Farah is selected to speak at the Rising Stars in Cancer Biology Symposium

Organized by:  The University of Utah, Department of Oncological Sciences and the Huntsman Cancer institute (HCI). Congratulations!!

Nandini gave a beautiful talk on differential regulation of crosslinked arrays and single microtubules at the Motors in Quarantine webinar series.

Welcome to Sree, the newest postdoc to join the lab. We are excited to have you on the team.

Lauryn Aliwalas joins the lab as a research tech. Welcome!

It was wonderful to gather together after nearly a year and a half for Alex's farewell dinner.

We miss you, Alex!

Alex heads to grad school. Good luck - come back and visit us!

The lab has a microtubule shaped bottle holder for future celebrations. We love it – thank you, Alex!

Our work on differential regulation of crosslinked and single microtubules is online!

Congratulations to all the authors for the hard work and wonderful team spirit!

Radhika and Nandini attend the 'Mitotic spindle: From living and synthetic systems to theory’ conference.

Nandini gave a fantastic talk on her reconstitution of the differential regulation of spatially proximal single microtubules and crosslinked bundles.

Thank’s to the organizers of MGH's YPG Trivia Night. We had a lot of fun!

2020 News

We ended 2020 with two new manuscripts uploaded on the bioRxiv

Congratulations to Sitara, and our fantastic collaborators Meredith Betterton and Shane Fiorenza.

We had a lot of fun cracking the code to escape our virtual room at our zoom holiday party.

Not only did we avoid turning into zombies (with merely 45 seconds to spare), we found the cure-all vaccine as well! Yay!
Thanks to the folks at Escape Experience, Chattanooga for a wonderful experience.

We are thrilled that our new Atomic Force Microscope has arrived.

It’s time to do some fun experiments! Thank you Sitara for helping with installation.

We are excited that Nandini is back in Boston! Welcome back!

Farah presented her work at the Genetics Dept. DJ Club and at the UK Cilia Network e-Symposia Series.

Congrats on the excellent talks.

We celebrated Christian’s acceptance to grad school.

Congratulations and best of luck! We will miss you!

Farah receives the best poster award at the Genetics Department retreat. Yay!

Farah is selected as a ‘2020 Leading Edge Fellow’. Congratulations!

Sitara’s poster at the Biophysical Society meeting in San Diego is a success!

Continuous interest for over 2 hours.

Lauryn joins the lab remotely. Welcome!

More competition for “QOTD”, our daily lab trivia event hosted by Nandini.

The lab receives funding from the American Cancer Society. Thank you, ACS!

Irene joins the lab. Welcome!

2019 News

Sitara is selected as an eLife Community Ambassador. Congratulations!

Shuo and Nandini’s paper on Kif7 is accepted for publication! Congratulations!

The lab attends another excellent BAMM meeting.

Shuo’s farewell party was a super fun Boston food crawl!

We wish Shuo the best as he starts his new position. We will miss you!

Nam, Alex and Frankie join the lab. Welcome!

FASEB-Cilia and Flagella meeting in beautiful Colorado!

Farah, Peii, Christian and Radhika attend the FASEB-Cilia and Flagella meeting in beautiful Colorado! We drove from Denver to Aspen in the midst of a thunderstorm! Road trip through the stunning Rockies on our way back.

We celebrate our 5th “Labbiversary”.

We attend the Molbio department retreat.

Everyone in the lab presented a poster! Radhika was super jetlagged after the CSH-Asia meeting in China!

We did an axoneme prep from sea urchin.

Sadly, our lab pet sea urchin “violet” did not survive long.

Nandini gave a fantastic talk at the ASCB meeting in Washington DC. Congratulations!

Hot pot lab dinner for Nam’s farewell and holiday party.

Come back and visit us often, Nam! Lab meetings will be less fun without your presentations.

2018 News

We celebrate the first research paper from the lab. Congratulations Sitara!

Lab lunch

It was wonderful to have Davide in the lab this summer.